3Ds Max & Vray'i öğrenmek için takip edilmesi en kolay dersler ile
projelerinizi yapılandırmak için "P.A.C - RENDER" Eğitimleri...

I. Çizim & Model

II. Işık Ayarları

III. Materyaller

IV. Final Render

V. Post Prodüksiyon

Kompozisyon, Çizim ve 3D modelleme...

Sadece ışık kaynaklarını kullanarak görüntünün şeklini ve hacmini geliştirme...

Fotogerçekçi simülasyonlar üretmek için materyaller üzerinde çalışmak...

Son görüntüyü ayarlayın ve temiz bir görüntü kazandırın...

Renk Koleksiyonu, Renk Derecelendirmesi, Derinlik ve Keskinleştirme...


Fotogerçekçi ve/veya istediğiniz tarzlar için geliştirilmiş render eğitim biçimi...




  Küçük Bir Kesit...  
  Video Pixel Art Chief...  


Videomuzdan örneklerimizi inceleyiniz. Bu görseller P.A.C - Render ( Pixel Art Chief - Render) özellikleri ile alınmaktadır. Sistemimiz ile sizde tarzınızı bulabilir render kalitenize içinizden gelen enerjinizi aktarabilirsiniz...




  Mükemmel Renderlar Çıkartın...  

  Renderlarınızı Pixel Art Chief Render Eğitimleri İle Geliştirin...

"P.A.C. - Render" Eğitimlerimizi web sitemiz üzerinden veya eğitim kitabımız ile takip edebilirsiniz.
Dilerseniz "Pixel Art Chief" Kursumuza katılarak renderlarınızı geliştirebilir,
eğitimlerimizle daha hızlı ilerleyerek yüksek basamaklara çıkabilirsiniz...





$ 35.00 (+ SHIPPING) now available with print on demand through Blurb printing / 11.29.2015


An example architectural portfolio focusing and visualization strategies consisting of 58 full color pages designed cover to cover by Alex Hogrefe. More about how this portfolio was designed can be found at HERE

English, 2014
58 Pages / 4 Projects
Hardcover with Dust Jacket, 9.5 x 8in. (Landscape)
ISBN 978-0-9913829-0-3


Go to PayPal Ödeme

S.S.S - SIK SORULAN SORULAR Pixel Art Chief Render ®
Last Update July 18,2017




1. How to pay in US dollars, if I have a different currency?
It's all automatic, you can safely pay your subscription with your cards or paypal: the conversion is made according to the daily exchange rate (your bank may apply to you a mini fee of 3%)

2. The course fee appears in dollars, how can I translate it in my currency?
Google can help you: type "100 Dollars in Euros" or other amounts/currencies

3. Can I pay with my personal credit/debit card and get the invoice issued to a company?
There is no problem, we can issue the invoice according to your needs. Just make the payment and then request an new invoice to support@learnvray.com

4. Is the course scheduled or I'm free to study?
The course is self paced. You can access and review the lessons at any time. Each lesson includes a video (15' in average), text, images and the 3D files in START and END version. For each problem, curiosity and clarification you can contact personally our trainers, using the box message under the lesson

5. Does this offer also include the book "Photography and Render with V-Ray"?
Always check the current offert. If not specified during the payment, contact us for a personal offer

6. Online Course and Book have the same contents?
It's better. Many of our members have both, and they regard them as complementary to each other. The book offers additional perspectives to the lessons offered. The book acts as a resource into broadening your understanding and expanding your horizons.

7. What are the costs of renewal subscription after 1 year?
We always offer second year renew with a discount of about 50% on the price of the first year
(always including the support of instructors and access to certification, if it has not been achieved)

8. Can I download videos?
The videos are only available in streaming and they are combined to the support

9. May I ask to instructors all my doubts?
Of course, if something is not clear you have to ask! We’ll clarify all your doubts, especially we’ll help you focus your energies on relevant topics, avoiding you useless waste of time

10. Can I have a review on my personal projects?
You can share your projects on our facebook group. The group is restricted to Learnvray Members and you’ll find many great artists around the world, ready to share their ideas with you

11. What if I fail the first attempt of ‘5SRW Certification for V-Ray’?
You can retake the exam after 3 months by paying a modest fee of $ 50. Considering that the first attempt is already included in your subscription (statistically those who have followed the method taught, have almost always cleared the certification in its first attempt)

12. Is 5SRW method for V-Ray 2 or 3 or it doesn't matter?
This is not a problem. You will learn how to apply photography to renders and this is not related to the V-Ray version. Of course there are little differences in some tools, but the main approach is exactly the same and you wont need to do a new course for any V-Ray update. For any question, our support will be glad to help you

13. I am a Rhino / Maya / C4D / SketchUp user .. Are videos available for my software?
Videos are prerecorded with V-Ray for 3ds Max, but we have all native files for your software, you can download them and check the implementation of the method. V-Ray is always V-Ray, photography and lighting never change, you just have to adapt to different interfaces. If you are really interested, contact us for the final details -> support@learnvray.com

14. Will I be able to realize works like the ones I see in the gallery?
That is our desire and goal for you! We can guarantee that the works that you see in gallery are the result of learning our method and the contents we offer. Much, however depends on you and your desire to learn and practice, we'll provide you with all the necessary knowledge to achieve the best results





Salih EFE / Arc. 3D Artist
İçinizdeki tasarımsal seslere kulak verin. İçinizden geçen renkleri kullanın... İçinizin rengini gözünüzle görün...
Interior & Exterior Visual Designer - TURKEY

Iç Mimar EFE / Instagram
Proje & Uygulamalarimizi ayrica Egitim Yazilarimizi instagram kisisel instagram adresimden takip edebilirsiniz...

  Instagram adresim için tiklayin...
Iç Mimar - Egitmen - CG Artist / TURKEY

Emre ALKAÇ / Tasarımcı
Yazarız uzaktan uzağa yine , sen de işe yaramadınya be doktor, yine baş başayız ilkyardım cümlelerimle...
Yüksek Grafiker & Tasarımı- TURKEY

Salih EFE / 3D Artist
Tasarım yapmak isterseniz , gözlerinizi kapatın... Eğer gözlerinizi kapattığınızda renkleri görebiliyorsanız, kollarınızı sıvayabilirsiniz...
Interior & Exterior Visual Designer - TURKEY

Emre ALKAÇ / Tasarımcı
Sen, sen olmaktan çıktığın an sen olan seni bulur…
Yüksek Grafiker & Tasarımı- TURKEY





Biz Kimiz?


Bizler Kim miyiz? Eğitimci, Felsefi Düşünür, Gerçekçi Takım, Bizler Sanatçıyız Yaratıcı Chief'leriz...


Hizmet Sözlesmesi


Pixel Art CHIEF Hizmet Sözlesmemizde bulunan Hizmet Sartlari, Gizlilik Politikasi, Güvenilirlik ve Felsefemizi asagidaki linklerden okuyabilir. Hakkimizda bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz.



Art CHIEF Mimari

Art CHIEF olarak; proje gelistirme ve yönetme, modern yapilanma konusunda uluslararasi anlamda kurumsallasmis bir kurulus olma yolunda ilerlemeyi hedeflemekteyiz...


• İç Mimari Proje & Uygulamalar

• Mimari Proje & Uygulamalar


Pixel Art CHIEF'e günün dilediğiniz zamanı mesaj veya e-Mail gönderebilir, mesai saatleri içerisinde arayabilirsiniz...

Karapınar Mah. 1172 Sk. No:8/A
+90 (537) 477 6 460


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